morning lake after Monet

morning lake after Monet

Nice painting Pat, I thought it was a watercolour at first. I think the tones are good, they give depth. Not that I know much about oil painting!

Nice painting Pat, I thought it was a watercolour at first. I think the tones are good, they give depth. Not that I know much about oil painting!

Hang on Studio Wall
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Oil on canvas 20" x 16". Not a Monet copy but similar idea, it could be anywhere! I enjoyed painting this - quite bit of scumbling and the viridian/alizaron crimson used a lot! Perhaps a bit dark with the trees, might try something similar again and change the tones & colours somewhat.

About the Artist
Pat Thompson

I've been painting almost ten years, initially with watercolours, then moving on to oils and other media. I am self taught, though have attended several short painting courses. I paint as a hobby and also belong to 2 art groups in Yorkshire. I exhibit through them and local galleries. I loveā€¦

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