PTG Exercise 6 - Fingal's cave

PTG Exercise 6 - Fingal's cave

Paul selected Christine's version of Fingal's Cave for his final critique of the series saying: 'Some great things going on here Christine. I particularly like the movement in the sky and sea where you have used lighter colour over a dark ground. The rocks have some great contrast and the touch of colour lifts them. Your painting has a loose feel, which is really nice but do watch that horizon line. Water is levelling so the horizon ought to be straight not curved. I do like the variety of value and hit and miss edges though on the distant land. I think you could add a small improvement to the crashing water by introducing a little softening in places. Also, use some spatter to depict the water splashes which will give the painting some added finesse to contrast with your loose finish.'

Hang on Studio Wall

Christine Kyles sent in her version of this exercise saying: 'I washed over the board with phthalo blue for the top half and mixed viridian green, white and ultramarine blue for the lower half. I put the rocks in with a mixture of burnt umber, mars back and deep madder and defined the blocks. I used my fingers to put a mixture of rose red and white on the sky. I dragged a feather through the rocks and made the spray with white.. The rocks were defined with a very fine brush using medium yellow, green and deep madder.'

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