Rebecca, My Daughter.


It's a very striking portrait Denise the skin tones look great and I really like the way you have set it up. Really good!

Her face is really three dimensional. The Zorn palette has really worked for you. She looks as though she is about to do a flamenco dance.

Very good against the dark background and the face tones, detail and shading are extremely well done.

Denise, it's a good result overall and with practice it will only get better. Have another look at her ear. - Jiri

A lovely portrait - very striking!

Thanks very much Sarah and funny you should say that Linda, her great grandmother was Spanish on her fathers side. Thanks so much Richard. Yes, Jiri, I guessed at the ear because the hair is from imagination. I looked at the ear a few times. I wasn't happy with it. I may do some more on it. Much appreciated.

Thanks very much David.

I think this is a very striking portrait as well.

Gobsmackingly Brilliant .

She has beautiful eyes Denise that you’ve painted very well

A superb portrait Denise, beautifully painted with the added bonus of a mothers love. I’m so pleased that your daughter like it .

Great portrait in my view.

A very eye catching portrait Denise - she really has huge and amazing eyes. Yes, Jiri is right about her ear. I love the fact that you've altered her clothes etc, works a treat

Portraits do tend to take a lot of practice, but I think you are doing very well with this one. The only thing I would suggest is to have a look at getting the clavicle (collar bone) as it helps with the neck too.

Nothing frightens you off, does it? Though perhaps you didn't know that portraiture is generally taken to be the most difficult subject a painter can tackle .... The flesh tones are really very good; you have of course concentrated most heavily on the face, other details can be worked up, and the ear is an issue, as you know: I also agree with the point about the clavicle: it's about making the whole thing work, basically - a bit of figure drawing and studying would be a good next step. But again - it is quite remarkable, the progress you've made and are still making: this is an arresting portrait, which would grab anyone's attention who came into contact with it.

Your comments are very helpful and very much appreciated, thanks Val-Irene, Sylvia, Christine, Paul, Romila, Heather, Ron and Robert. I will fix the ear and look at putting the clavicle in.

Superb portrait Denise, you really are making remarkable progress - well done you!

She looks like someone from period drama, Denise. Really well done.

Great work Denise!

Hang on Studio Wall

I've been practising portraits for a few months now and this one of my daughter wasn't planned. In fact, she didn't know I was doing it. I've been copying portraits and I wanted to have a serious try at doing my own of a family member. I've tried to put her in a very old fashioned setting with hair style and dress. I don't think she will like this. It's just practising, I need more practice on hair and fabric as well as portrait, so, a lot learned. I will do another of her, once experience has been gained.

About the Artist
Denise Cat

My name is, Denise. I started painting at the end of April during the Covid lockdown 2020. I’ve never painted before or had any experience of doing any art. I walked into a shop, bought some watercolours and have been trying to teach myself. I have pain conditions and had to retire early last year…

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