Kenko adapted

Kenko adapted

Brilliant, beautiful alert face Diana.

What a happy dog....charming!

After reading the comments on the first Kenko, I can see what they meant, although I didn't notice it. And yes, this is better. A super portrait, Diana!!

I saw the comment on the first painting, and although I hadn't noticed that line at first I was then drawn to the head. This is a subtle adjustment but it works beautifully, I'm no longer drawn to the head but see the light and life in those eyes and the movement in the fur. Perfect!

It's still lovely, Diana. You just made a good painting better, but the first version was superb in any event!

Liked it first time round, and happily I still like the new improved version - you've kept the shape of the head very successfully: and as you know, it just IS pretty flat, especially at a certain angle and between the ears.

Many thanks. Yes it was only a really tiny adjustment to the top of his head ; more a case of pushing a tiny amount of paint slightly rather than repainting but what a difference it made. I hadn't noticed the flat head until someone pointed it out then I just couldn't get it out of my mind/. His owner is delighted.

she looks a gentle dog we have a border collie had to comment on your painting ..i like the browns and reds in the coat ..sure to owner will love your painting .

Speaking as the owner of Kenko, this most wonderful wise and fun dog. Kenko died four years ago and was the father of the collie - Dexter swimming in the sea, also painted by Diana. I am so delighted with his painting, it almost feels as if he has come back to life.

Super dog portrait in watercolour Diana

Hang on Studio Wall

Someone commented that I'd got his head too flat so I did a little adjustment. Now on his way to his new home.

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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