Paula's Cat

Paula's Cat

amazing detail and a differant view. i get the feeling this is a large scale canvas is it ?

Wonderful Diana! The fur, glassy eyes and whiskers are brilliant and the lovely deep blue background compliments this ginger cat perfectly. Well done!

Thank you very much. The painting isn't that big; about 30 by 20cm

This is a beautiful painting Diana. I echo Christine's comments - the detail in the eye and the fur is superb. That together with your colour scheme makes for a spectacular composition.

Wow! How did you do it ? In watercolour........ every hair and whisker is visible! Beautiful palette too.

Wow! wonderful detail in the fur and those eyes....!

Fantastic Diana. Those eyes are amazing :)

An amazing close-up Diana, a super painting.

Thank you all very much. For once I am really pleased with the way this painting worked but it has to be mostly down to the superb photo I worked from. It really does make a difference. How did I do it? Well obviously masking fluid for the whiskers and the chin hair then lots of layering of transparent colours then the use of a very old prolene brush that developed a hook on the end which is just perfect for the individual hairs. Never throw away and old brush- it's always perfect for something.

Incredible photogaph and incredible watercolour Diana! The detail is perfect and those eyes!!!

Diana, just lovely work, very interested to read your techniques used. I have a portrait to do of a 20 year old cat, a lot of grey hairs. I think I will take a leaf out of your book. Love your approach to watercolours.

Thank you so much Peter. These days it seems to be frowned upon to paint detailed work in watercolour; as if everything has to be loose and wet with lots of lost edges. I'm afraid I will continue doing my style whatever the fashion.

Amazing detail, I had no idea you could use water colour in this way.

This must be one of the best animal paintings on the whole site, I see you are into oils now, I havn;t submitted much lately as I have been having my hands fixed but I am pleased to see the better artists are still at it. John Davies

Oh John what a wonderful comment. Thank you so much. You made my day. Yes I've started learning how to use oils (water based ones) but very early days yet.

Hang on Studio Wall

Thank you Paula for the use of incredible photograph

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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