Cuddle Huddle

Cuddle Huddle

What an amazing "pose".And your rendition of it too. Just looked through your gallery and was wowed! I like the way you look for an unusual viewpoint or subject and capture it with exceptional skill. (A low whistle is coming across the airwaves!)

Super coloured pencil work Diana, and so cute! Must be one of those that took you ages! The striped tails highlight the group perfectly, so unusual as Marjorie says and so very effective

I can't take credit for the composition Ros, they did that all on their own but I do think I should have moved one of the left hand heads which is a bit difficult to read. I took several similar photos but this was the best. Yes coloured pencil takes a very long time. I worked on this for 3 weeks doing several hours every day. Thank you Marjorie, I do like to look for something a bit different.

Just love this...Diana you really are cresting the wave at the moment. A lot of your work would make great commercial greeting cards.....!

Good idea Sylvia, if only I knew who to contact

There is a monthly magazine for artists and illustrators Diana that might be a good starting point and also the writers and artists yearbook is packed full of interesting and useful info that could be useful to you

I used to get Artists and Illustrators but gave up when they started only promoting those who paid extra. Never heard of the yearbook; will have to visit the library. Thanks.

This is absolutely wonderful

Great skill and well chosen poses in a wonderful gallery.

Great composition and I love those tails!

Hang on Studio Wall

Coloured Pencil on Bristol Board. 40 x 20cm. A very cold family of Lemurs at the Lakeland Wildlife Park

About the Artist
Diana Hudson

I am Diana Hudson, a Lancashire lass who grew up in a little village outside Burnley. I travelled extensively and worked all over the world before returning to my roots in the Pendle area. As a dog breeder and judge, I specialised in pet portraits for over 20 years before adding portraits,…

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