Houses on Pinner

Rollins Houses on Pinner

Bright green and this dark shadows, what a combination!

Love this, it expresses the starkness of so many of these remote 'Grande' buildings. Very well painted.

Packs a punch!

Very striking painting - love it.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is a view of old farmhouses on Pinner Lane in Southowram, West Yorkshire. The houses are built of millstone grit and seem to grow directly from the landscape like the rock itself.

For Sale

Price: £275.00
Picture Size: 40cm x 30cm
About the Artist
Mike Rollins

Born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, I grew up surrounded by the rugged moorlands and grit-stone walls of the South Pennines. Subconsciously, my eye has been coloured ever since by this legacy of romantic ruins and stark views. Trained as a scenic designer, I often convey my chosen subject as though…

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