morning wind

morning wind

I'm not sure how you can paint wind Midori, perhaps some people or trees bent over? However I like this lively watercolour, the buildings are really well portrayed and the sweeps of blue certainly gives it energy.

It's a good question Midori especially when painting static buildings, but I would suggest as Stephen did to show trees bending or maybe litter being blown about etc. Another good watercolour Midori, very vibrant with lovely clean washes.

You can't be literal and paint what can't be seen...foregt the tree, go for the angry sky

As always, your use of colour is wonderful. I can see the splash for wind ...

There is certainly a lot of movement in this painting. I love the way you seem to have painted the buildings and then taken a wash of blue loosely over the whole painting - really effective. Might try that one myself if you don't mind me pinching your ideas!

Such a lovely, loose use of watercolour.

It's a lovely watercolor, Midori!

Hi Stephen, Robert, roger, Gudun, thea, Sarah and Soak. Thank you. I had never thought painting wind. Anyway it is not easy. Thank you for some advices.

Hang on Studio Wall

How can you paint wind?

About the Artist
Midori Yoshino

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