Al Ain Palace Museum

Al Ain Palace Museum

This is beautifully rendered and the palette is gorgeous. I can feel the heat from here. Good day's work with your Watercolour Club.

A real beauty Midori - great use of washes

Agree with Michael and Gudrun, a real beautiful price of work. My eyes when straight to it. Cracking!!

Wonderful Midori, a really lovely painting.

This is lovely Midori a real eye catcher

Lovely painting!

Stunning Midori, beautiful palette.

The effort was certainly worthwhile as the outcome is enchanting. Well done!

It might have been difficult Midori, but you have achieved a lovely resulting image. You really handle watercolour very well - I am quite envious!

A wonderfully loose watercolour. Light and shade well captured.

Hi Gurdun,Michael, Peter, Christine, Glennis, Ruth,Fiona, Bernice,julie and Pat, thank you so much. I sometimes have to be serioius. However I love funny Etegami painging.

Hang on Studio Wall

Al Ain Watercolour Club went to this Palace this week. Actually I had a hard time to complete. I thought it must have been easy. Just 2 pots.However, the tone of the shadows made me mad.

About the Artist
Midori Yoshino

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