Ham brook in spring sunshine


That is a lovely painting!!

Lovely painting, I particularly like the colour palette and those soft pinks

Casein is hard to get hold of in this country - I've never used it, but I've seen some fine work done with it (especially from the USA). This painting works very well, and inspires me to have a go with it myself - whether I will, though, depends on time and money.

Beautiful painting. I love it.

Thank you all for your very kind comments, which are very much appreciated!😊

All the colours and life of spring Michael……lovely painting.

Love the layering and the depth of this piece, and how the details lead the eye.

Really pretty, you can hear the running water and feel the sun.

That's lovely work, Michael

Hang on Studio Wall

Previously listed - and not as a work in progress - but I was not happy with it so went back to this place and made some corrections etc, and I am a lot happier now 😊 Casein is not listed amongst the mediums on this site, so I have selected ‘egg tempera’ as it is the closest to casein which is a milk based paint.

About the Artist
Michael Battley

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