Italian Courtyard

Italian Courtyard

Here Here Michael & A Happy New Year ! It does work it's GREAT!

Very attractive. I like it.

I really like this Michael. I like the light and colour in the steps and walls. I'm still finding my feet as a painter and a large part of the joy I get out of painting is trying new styles and subject matter. My last two paintings could not be more different. Hats off to those who expose themselves to the joy of trying something different.

This has real vivacity to it, Michael. I do like the restrained use of pen as well. The colours on the steps are really wonderful and make the painting for me.

It's wonderful Michael! The colour washes on the steps are delicious, great greens too!

Well done, Michael, lots of freshness and life in this one. Must go to the the art group tonight, I haven't picked up a brush for two weeks!

Yes. This definitely works very well and I did have to look twice and think, is it you? The colours on the steps and the foliage is particularly lovely. I haven't started yet - I was given some books and have as yet only had my nose in those .... Tomorrow!

Well done Michael! A lovely, fresh painting with gorgeous colours! It's always good to try new methods and techniques, they can teach you so much. I haven't painted for a month now but will restart on Monday.

Thanks to you all - it's always playing round and this was not such a bad effort says I modestly

This works beautifully Michael you have such a lovely relaxed way of painting

Missed this one at the time. Like it very much...... the strong mingling colours in a loose style.

I missed this when you posted it, Michael. Just saw it today on the right side of your today's abstract. This is a stunning, lively pen and wash. I really do love it, wish I had done it. You won't believe it: my hubby just looked over my shoulder while I am typing this comment and said: "This is beautiful, isn't it? Did you do this?" !!!!!!

This is lovely, just how Id like to paint !!

I really like this one.

Posted on Wed 17 May 12:09:01
Hang on Studio Wall

Although I only paint in watercolour I do like using different approaches/styles rather just sticking to a single 'style' which becomes rather formulaic. This is an example which I've done to ring the changes. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work - that's not the point - in trying out different techniques, mixes, approaches etc I pick up different ideas which I can adopt to improve/hone my more usual style of painting - a great way of learning.

About the Artist
Michael Edwards

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