Art Critic 28

Art Critic 28

Very appropriate Michael. I have been doing 'Art in the Park' at Cheltenham this week, the weather has been awful.

Such fun.......... I don'think! But your cartoon is giving me a laugh Michael ;o))

Poor summer! At least we can still laugh about it, thanks to you Michael.

Very apt at the moment, could only be England!

Very true for an "English" summers day but we are just back from the north west coast of Scotland and, would you believe it, they are short of water! Our dog couldn't get her usual drink from the burn on the way up from her exertions chasing balls on the beach as it was completely dried up. Another good one Michael.

Sadly very true! Gave me a giggle this morning.

You've probably had plenty of inspiration for this one Michael. I live were Val has just returned from and it's true, we haven't had a good spell of rain for at least three months. The grass is brown and the burns are dry! Today we have rain, but it's very light.

Yes, you have summed up our summer very well indeed :)

Nice one Michael!

Sooooooooooooooooo wet..........glad you can still take the p*******s.

Love it!! so true...

Thanks one and each - I'm dripping well fed up with it!

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SPOT ON ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Lol! You're a hoot, Michael! Love it!

Hang on Studio Wall

Looked out this morning - raining again ....!

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Michael Edwards

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