Coffee Stop - Salamanca

Coffee Stop - Salamanca

I actually think it draws your eye to the buildings on the left which are painted so well. like it.

I am not surprised this sold, it's a very well handled watercolour, nice fresh washes and good tonal values. I don't think I would have noticed but you are right, perhaps a road marking or a figure on the right to draw you in. Nevertheless, a very good painting.

Beautifully painted and observed Michael. But I tend to agree with you. Its a bit like the Marie Celeste, where have all the folks gone, one of your simple animals cocking its leg against the lamp post. A bit of splatter on the road surface. But! who am I? You sold it Brilliant. Glad you enjoyed my "fun" pic. S.

Gorgeous mellow tones Michael, lovely painting.

Thanks Valerie, Stephen, Sylvia and Fiona for taking the time to give such positive comments - much appreciated.

I agree with your thoughts about the people, but somehow I also think that it has an air of mystery in the empty streets. I love your treatment of the buildings and the fresh look the painting has.

This is again a beautiful painting, Michael. Love your subjects and colours. I agree with the "empty" foreground but wouldn't know what to put there. Maybe a part of shadow from something outside the picture? Congratulations about the selling!

I agree about the space on the right Michael, no real suggestions, only it may have helped to put in a shadow if the light source had come from the right in the picture. I think this is a nice painting as it is, but then watercolours and I don't get along. Many thanks for your lovely comments on my Windmills in a Dutch winter.

Thanks Thea, Mia and Norman - Mia and Norman I think you are right about a shadow - it would have helped.

It has all the bones for a good watercolor, Michael, so I'm hardly surprised it sold. I agree with you, perhaps some figures might help, but that's not a massive strike against this painting.

Hang on Studio Wall
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This one sold but looking at it afresh, although I did add my signature in the bottom right which helped with balance, I rather wish I'd added some figures or perhaps a bit of texturing as it does look a little 'empty' in the foreground..

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Michael Edwards

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