Foxton - Below the locks

Foxton - Below the locks

Lovely work again Michael nice clean fresh work . Well done .

It is so difficult to keep coming up with new subjects Michael, I do so agree, which is why I am doing more plein-air work, and revisiting old subjects from a different angle. A lovely fresh look to this little piece, controlled washes as always, have you tried oils?, it could give you new impetus, just a thought.

A beautiful piece all round Michael you have lovely control and planning

Thanks both. Alan - thanks for the suggestion and I might try oils someday but as I am so involved in different mediums and styles and local committee work I am a little loathe to try something different at the present time - maybe one day.....!

The shorelines leads us in to the boat and figures and your use of the medium is masterly

Lovely and fresh beautiful receding sky, very good Michael.

Fab sky Michael and it doesn't show by this example that you need watercolour practice. Excellent.

Definitely a Michael sky, with those billowing clouds, has a nice feeling of tranquility.

Lovely as usual Michael. If you're stuck for places to paint what about the Mucky Duck at Braybrooke?

I immediately saw that this was one of yours, Michael: stunning as usual :) Mia

So many kind comments - I do appreciate it - thanks to you all. Must look up the The Swan er sorry - the Mucky Duck..!

Beautifully done, Michael. Just love the treatment of all those trees.

I do admire your skies - if stuck for a subject, you could just paint sky, with a minimal landscape beneath (come to that, so could I: it would solve a problem or two; we all run short of subjects from time to time).

Excellent Michael , that's a great sky

Hang on Studio Wall

Hard pressed for subject matter so did this from an old photo - not the best of compositions but it kept my hand in as I've not done many watercolours of late.

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Michael Edwards

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