head of a young woman inspired by raphael and leonardo

head of a young woman inspired by raphael and leonardo

Hi Michael, this portrait is very wonderful and this woman is both fashinating and mysterious. This portrait remind me Leonardo da Vinci female drawings. Very great portrait, Michael.

Hello Michael. The quality captured in your painting reminded me of Leonardo's Salvator Mundi which we viewed at The National Portrait Gallery da Vinci exhibition (which was truly magnificent). I really like it! There is depth and a subtle luminous quality to the skin. Excellent!

Thankyou my dear friend cesare, and thankyou simon. I am envious that you saw the sublime work of leonardo in person. In my opinion he is the absolute master and im sure many many artists would agree.

Hang on Studio Wall

i havent given up trying to paint portraits and i think i never will. i enjoy doing them but all too often the results are less than good. i thought this was worth uploading though its just a coloured sketch really. i used to gaze at the mona lisa for days on end and the leonardo influence is definitely here. my landscapes almost always show turners influence (sigh). what am i going to do? lol.

About the Artist
Michael Hanrahan

I love art but it's very much up and down as I go about my day to day life as a painter and often I really struggle to paint therefore I fall out with it. You're only as good as your last painting as they say. My greatest love is music and I prefer to write classical music for orchestra than paint…

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