

Beautifully Turneresque! Lovely Michael

Beautiful Michael, keep them coming!

Stunning Michael, this is the style of your paintings I love best❤️

Stunning. Love the colours and light.

Thankyou for all the nice comments. Yes I know this style is most popular with my fellow artists and I enjoy painting this way partly because it comes natural to me.

Lovely colours - there is a great feeling of hope and joy with this painting.

Fab, and very realistic.

Hang on Studio Wall

30x24 inch canvas in oil and acrylic

For Sale

Price: £40
Picture Size: 30x24 inches
About the Artist
Michael Hanrahan

I love art but it's very much up and down as I go about my day to day life as a painter and often I really struggle to paint therefore I fall out with it. You're only as good as your last painting as they say. My greatest love is music and I prefer to write classical music for orchestra than paint…

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