A quick impression of my garden


Good one Mia

Lovely, Mia - like the limited colour.

Nice one Mia, I like the energetic pen work and splashes of color, the shading gives real body to the plants as well, nice foreground. Nice one.

Love the liveliness here Mia. They really seem to be dancing.

I love hollyhocks. I live yours too as well as the roses.

Thank you all very much for your positive comments :)

I love the tangle of the stems and leaves Mia, very natural in their surroundings. A corner of the garden you could admire for a long time.

It looks absolutely beautiful, Mia, and what a gorgeous study! Love the tints or reds and pinks against the monochromatic backgroup. It's really effective in moving and holding the viewer's eye.

Many thanks Fiona and Seok for your nice comments.

Nice one Mia, love the spontaneity

This popped off the page Mia! Simple is best and it’s very striking and nicely done.

Thank you very much Romila and Tessa. Much appreciated!

Hang on Studio Wall
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A 30 min. sketch of a corner of my garden with hollyhocks and roses. I used my Artpen filled with watersoluble Quink Ink and some markers to define the flowers. Size A4. What do you think? Thanks for having a look and maybe posting a comment :) Mia

About the Artist
Mia Ketels

I live in Blankenberge on the Belgian Coast, about 15km from Bruges. After being trained as an art teacher in the 60ties, I started teaching for a few years. Then I had my carreer in a school administration. After retirement, I started drawing and painting again. I bought a lot of English books…

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