Monster Challenge 5 minutes sketch

Monster Challenge 5 minutes sketch

You had fun with this I can tell!

A cloven hoofed monster...minus the nail varnish! Lol Nice one Mia!

Many thanks Louise and Fiona. Yes, I enjoyed drawing this quick sketch.

I'm not frightened by your lovely drawing Mia.

I am glad, Michael. Thank you very much for this positive comment.

Hang on Studio Wall

This is my first 5 min. sketch of the Monster Challenge. Size: A4 - immediately in ink.

About the Artist
Mia Ketels

I live in Blankenberge on the Belgian Coast, about 15km from Bruges. After being trained as an art teacher in the 60ties, I started teaching for a few years. Then I had my carreer in a school administration. After retirement, I started drawing and painting again. I bought a lot of English books…

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