Little-robin sketch

Little-robin sketch

Lovely little sketch - from your drawing it does indeed appear to be Geranium Robertianum - often know as Herb Robin in the UK - they are fairly common where I live and, like you Mia, I have had them pop up in my garden from time to time.

Beautifully done Mia....and well spotted!

I call it Herb Robert and it is part of the Cranesbill family . The love dappled damp soil they abound in our lanes here. Nice little sketch Mia .

I didn't read your forum post carefully enough, and came looking for a robin - the bird... obviously couldn't find it. But I went back and read again - yes, I know this plant well: it's beautiful, and you've drawn it beautifully. Lovely to see you back on the Gallery: I hope your health is much better now; I was in the doctor's surgery the other day, having a hearing test, telling him about my cataract - and he said, with deep gloom, "I've got all that to look forward to...." - poor chap, he's a few years younger than I am, but obviously feels he's catching up too fast.....

I get this growing at the base of the stone walls in the garden, I love the deeply cut leaf and delicate flower, which you have described beautifully Mia.

It's a beauty Mia. It's never any use asking me to identify flowers, I just paint them!!!

Thank you all so very much for your lovely comments. I searched for a translation of "Klein Robertskruid" and the computer gave me "Little-robin", so I accepted that. That's why you were looking for a bird, Robert. Herb Robin seems more logical to me. I am feeling better and better Robert and I hope you will get your operation very soon. All the best :) Mia

Robert beat me to it. I am also pleased to see your lovely pen and wash popping up more regularly! I'll have to look in our garden to see what I can find.

Ooops yes Sylvia is right - I think I got carried away with your reference to the robin - yes it's known as Herb Robert and In traditional herbalism, it was used as a remedy for toothache and nosebleeds don't you know !!

It's a lovely delicate drawing Mia.

Thank you very much for taking the time to have a look and even post lovely comments. In the coming days I will try to make a coloured version. Fingers crossed!

Dainty and beautiful Mia.

Such a beautiful drawing Mia.

I always appreciate your comments, Sarah and Satu. Thank you very much :) Mia

Only you could make a dreaded weed look like the queen of flowers, Mia! It's exquisite, you've captured the delicacy of the little plant with lovely lines and tones.

Thank you very much for this positive comments, Seok. I am just going to post a coloured version of this (in my opinion) little beautiful plant.

Hang on Studio Wall

This year, between the roses, there were wild new beautiful little plants appearing with lovely little rose flowers. I looked it up on the computer and it seems to be a sort of geranium called "little-robin" (Robertskruid in Dutch). I couldn't resist and made a pen and wash sketch with my usual Stabilo point 88 water--soluble marker. What do you think? all comments are very welcome :) Mia

About the Artist
Mia Ketels

I live in Blankenberge on the Belgian Coast, about 15km from Bruges. After being trained as an art teacher in the 60ties, I started teaching for a few years. Then I had my carreer in a school administration. After retirement, I started drawing and painting again. I bought a lot of English books…

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