Viridian and Crimson Challenge

Viridian and Crimson Challenge

Hi Mia, I think you have done very well ; I love the composition, and those pink clouds in the sky are gorgeous, as are the various shades of red in the sails. Thanks for your comments on my effort ; I can understand you not wanting to paint without predrawing, you draw so well !

Great idea for using the two colours as the pinky/red sail looks wonderful against the pale viridian sea and foreground. A super result!

Good use of the two colours Mia! It's good to try something different don't you think and I expect that like me you were surprised at the darks achieved by mixing these colours.

An eye catching painting Mia and a great interpretation of the challenge!

Great use of the two colours and lovely composition.

Well done Mia- like your response to the challenge

You could always have cheated, as I did with my acrylic, because I'd run out of Viridian and used Hookers Green - but anyway: a) I do like it, especially the fresh, clean and breezy look, and b) did you find it interesting as an exercise in itself? I hadn't used this combination for some years, but was quite pleased to find it still works, and probably would with any cold green and crimson red; I think it's VERY useful to paint like this now and then, because it teaches you so much about tone, and you absorb the lesson without even particularly noticing it. This makes it a great sketching medium, too - you can get the full range of tones using just two colours - if out in the field, you may need to make colour notes, but half the time (or probably more) the colours you use matter so much less than getting the tones right.

Thank you all so very, very much for your positive comments. The more I look at it, the more I think it is not so bad and I get used to the combination of colours!!!! No Robert, I didn't want to cheat and use another green. It was a challenge and I wanted to respond to it as it was. And yes, I found the exercice very, very interesting. Taking me out of my comfort zone and explore all new things. I am even thinking of a painting all painted in mixes based on viridian. It is, I am certain, possible with every basic colour. When I watch dvd's by David Curtis, Geoff Kersey, Ian King, Richard Taylor, etc... they use one blue or green and make a whole wood or foliage painting with stunning results. I certainly will try this.

Love the result of these two colours Mia, great.

Thank you very much, Carole. I found it rather difficult. Glad you liked it!

I really like it Mia, the sky is really good as are the boats .

Thank you very much for your positive comment, Denise.

I just LOVE this, Mia! The palette and the composition are both superb and so beautiful.

Thank you very much Seok. I always appreciate your comments!

Very striking Mia! Isn't it funny how the colour combinations change the atmosphere of a painting too.

Thanks Sarah. I wanted to paint the same subject everytime to see that change in atmosphere, except for the yellow and brown challenge. Maybe I have another go at it.

Hang on Studio Wall

Ouf... what a challenge! It took me more than a week to decide what subject I would be able to paint in those colours. It took me a little hour to make it because I am not really fond of viridian and I wanted to finish it as quickly as possible. I had to search my paint reserve box to find a little pan of viridian. I never understood why this was in all the paint boxes until I saw a DVD by David Curtis and he made some beautiful mixtures of greens based on viridian. So maybe I will try to paint my foliage with those mixtures. At first, I wasn't particularly happy with the result here but my hubby told me it was not so bad. So I decided to post it anyway. I first made a pen drawing immediately in ink with an Artline 0,5 marker. I used only a few mixes of the colours because I was afraid it would result in something very dark and monotonous. Please tell me what you think... :) Mia

About the Artist
Mia Ketels

I live in Blankenberge on the Belgian Coast, about 15km from Bruges. After being trained as an art teacher in the 60ties, I started teaching for a few years. Then I had my carreer in a school administration. After retirement, I started drawing and painting again. I bought a lot of English books…

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