Old farmhouse

Old farmhouse

Very nice, Mia! Love the way you portrayed the stonework and the grass in the foreground. And your tonal work is excellent.

Mia, you paintings are little gems. So soft and so charming. I love this sepia watercolour. Brilliant!

Delightful, charming and so well done. Sepia adds a whole new dimension to pen and wash - softens it and adds to that old world feel.

Very successful watercolour, love the tonal work.

This is lovely Mia.

Thank you all so very much for your lovely comments. I appreciate!

Lovely piece...The door and the aged stones are giving a sense of memory....

Thank you for your positive comments, Eddy and Kirstie (I am looking forward to seeing your building, Kirstie).

One of my favourite subjects and mediums..... this is really lovely. Une réussite- bravo.

I appreciate your comment very much, Avril, merci beaucoup!

Fantastic work. looked at rest of your portfolio Mia and i love it . I really like the drawing of Castle Combe as i sold a pastel painting of the same scene many years ago.

We have a very similar approach to working with watercolours, this is the method I used on Number 16: I used the pen both before during and after, confused? Let me explain. I don’t use waterproof ink; I like to make the ink an integral part of the picture. I’ll draw a few of the major lines in ink first, and then take the paint to its edge, this allows the ink to ‘bleed’ into the colour and I then work to blend the two. The main roof water painted first, allowed to dry and then the ink work added. Water is then used to spread the ink. The last step is to finish off with the ink when the paint has completely dried. Unfortunately this style of painting shows no mercy, make a mistake and it not easy to correct and it’s next to impossible to wash away!

Thank you very much for your positive comments, Steven and David. David, your technique is very interesting. I also use the ink before and after, but waterproof ink. I make the drawing in ink and after I used the watercolour, I add some details or accentuate some parts with a finer or larger felt tip pen.

you are very talented

Thanks, Ann, for your compliment. I really do appreciate!

Hang on Studio Wall

A pen and wash using sepia waterproof ink and Van Dyck-brown watercolour.

About the Artist
Mia Ketels

I live in Blankenberge on the Belgian Coast, about 15km from Bruges. After being trained as an art teacher in the 60ties, I started teaching for a few years. Then I had my carreer in a school administration. After retirement, I started drawing and painting again. I bought a lot of English books…

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