Spring fields 1

Spring fields 1

I think it's a beautiful painting Marjorie gorgeous

This looks beautiful Marjorie.

It is beautiful, Marjorie.

Thanks Dennis, Margaret and Dawn - it's just a memory now.

another wonderful landscape, Marjorie, and superb foreground.

This was a great painting, but we all know what it feels like to be unhappy. Many of my best paintings are on top of ones that didn't work!

Thanks again Cesare and Annette - you can't flog a dead horse!

It's lovely, Marjorie. It has a very tranquil feel to it.

I think this is lovely Marjory, great foreground.

Val and Seok, thanks very much.

Can almost smell it. Brill.

Hang on Studio Wall

Did this in water based oils yesterday but was never happy. Altered horizon and added tall flowers with art app to see what it would look like - better but not acceptable. So wiped it off, leaving colour traces. Today I painted over it, see "Spring fields 2

About the Artist
Marjorie Firth

Still Life, seascapes and portraits are my favourite subjects. I paint whatever takes my fancy, am self-taught and, from time to time, attend short courses. I paint in a variety of media, oils are my favourite. I enjoy the challenge of entering the monthly POL competitions and have exhibited 5 times…

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