Shooters Bridge, Glamis 13"x 9"

Shooters Bridge, Glamis 13"x 9"

Beautiful autumn colours and a worthy addition to your gallery of Scottish landscapes.

Fabulous Manus!

you are a lucky person to be living in such idyllic surroundings. i love the autumn colours and the light. great stuff.

The colours work really well here Manus and the whole scene comes together perfectly

Hang on Studio Wall

One of my favourite areas - a secluded den, river and dam near my home - Particularly picturesque at this time of year.

About the Artist
Manus McGinty

I am an amateur painter, photographer, and retired architect/housing developer based in Scotland. I have been painting mostly watercolour landscapes and urban scenes for around 20 yrs from my home studio and gallery. I have paintings in individuals collections in America, Greece, Holland, and…

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