Staithes view from Cowbar

Staithes view from Cowbar

I live 4 miles up the coast from Staithes Malcolm. I am hopeless at watercolour and I started painting in oils. However as you know, they take forever to dry so I changed to Golden Open Acrylics. They are thinner than ordinary acrylics (which I can't get on with as they dry too fast) and so are semi-transparent. You can build up the layers or add a gel thickener to them or add some water to them to make them thinner. Very versatile. They are a little more expensive depending on the colour etc. but you could get a few essential colours and mix them. This could be a real possibility for you. An impressive painting Malcolm.

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This is super Malcolm - interesting and colourful.

Collage is well used in this work and your colours and shapes on top of it are smashing.

Malcom lovely painting

Wonderful work Malcolm

Thanks everyone for their comments. Adele- I do do use acrylics thinned down with acrylic medium to give transparency but have not tried Golden Open as I did not like the Atelier which have a similar characteristics.

I have never used Atelier Malcolm, so I couldn't comment on them. After using traditional oils I tried water-mixable ones and I couldn't get on with those. So I understand that different mediums suit different artists. However judging by your paintings I don't think you have much to worry about. As me and Chas (husband) say "if it ain't broken, don't fix it! Unless you want to, of course.

Hang on Studio Wall

Collage and acrylic 20 x 16 canvas board

About the Artist
Malcolm Coils

Watercolour, wash and pen, graphite drawing, and collage with mixed media.

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