When the craftsmen have gone


Yes it can be expensive Malcolm, we had a repair carried out on our stone wall a few years ago. They work it out so much a metre, can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I hadn’t noticed your hover trailer but the way, too interested in your dip pen drawing.....very good as always.

Thank you Paul and Fiona for your comments much appreciated, yes Fiona I know they charge by the metre or the yard in my day but when I worked on a farm as a young lad, we only had hedges so we had to learn to lay a hedge which you also do not see very often now, it is all slashing flails, sad.

I know what you mean Malcolm, it’s mostly Stone dykes (walls) around here. We have a lovely stone wall around our property, mainly Winstone, which is very sharp! From the ground up it’s dry stone wall but the top couple of foot the stone is mortared. Most of the farms etc in Galloway are livestock....dairy and beef and they can soon demolish a wall if they push against it, especially when they are trying to reach the grass that is always greener on the other side!

Hang on Studio Wall
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The next in my Dry stone wall series this with a dip pen. I thought I should show that all is not nice and rosy in the world of Dry stone walls, sadly some do not get repaired as there are either not the craftsmen or people do not want to pay for repairs. Only after I had finished this did I realise I had invented the worlds first hover trailer, sharp eyes may notice the trailer bed is not connected to the rest of the axle unit etc !.

About the Artist
Malcolm Buckley

I have always loved the outdoors and have climbed and walked in various places in the world, after giving numerous slide shows and talks about my trips to raise money for charity, i realised the slides and photos did not do what i saw justice, so I decided to start trying to paint. I am self taught…

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