Color of history


Love the way you have done this Malcolm and your description of the process. Very effective. It really caught my eye.

Caught my eye too, Malcolm. I’ve used that process, it’s very liberating and it can give interesting results.

Thank you very much Diane and Katy for your comments they are much appreciated and you are so right Katy it is great to let something do its own thing and then run with it, thanks again both of you.

Its a good technique to use Malcolm, you can get some very interesting effects by just letting the paint run into the water, try it out with your watercolour as well. You can try some small pieces of mount card dipped in paint to get some grasses and tree lines as well as using matchsticks.

Thank you for that Linda much appreciated I have in the past used mount card cut offs, old credit cards to create lines etc. but have never really just let water color run wild as a lot of my work has been mountains and pen and ink, thanks again I will give it a go.

Very different Malcolm and much to be learnt from your avant garde approach. Love the mingling of colours here.

A very successful experiment Malcolm, I like this style very much. It has a freedom which links with your wild places and aged walls.

Thank you Carole and Fiona for those really nice and informative observations, nice to hear from you again Fiona and yes I cannot quite seem to leave my roots behind entirely, thank you both again.

Hang on Studio Wall

A change for me, using just acrylic inks I wetted water color paper then dropped the inks into the basic outline and let them blend, when virtually dry I used a matchstick in the end of a bamboo cane to draw the black outlines of the stones. The trees were also ink dropped into water and matchstick for the trunks.

About the Artist
Malcolm Buckley

I have always loved the outdoors and have climbed and walked in various places in the world, after giving numerous slide shows and talks about my trips to raise money for charity, i realised the slides and photos did not do what i saw justice, so I decided to start trying to paint. I am self taught…

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