Waterfall - mixed media & collage ..egg shells,tissue paper ,printed paper, straw thread ...icky PVA

Waterfall - mixed media & collage ..egg shells,tissue paper ,printed paper, straw thread ...icky PVA

The blue in that waterfall is sensational. Very creative piece of work Lynne.

Sounds like a wonderful class Lynne! With that recipe you've cooked up a prize dish!

Very attractive work Lynne.

Hang on Studio Wall

I did this as a demo for one of my art classes - got into a glorious sticky mess !

About the Artist
lynne whitfield

I am a self taught artist who only took up painting after retiring from a busy nursing career. Since that time art and painting has become a passion for me. I enjoy all media but particularly love the magic of wet in wet watercolour techniques. I have recently started to explore the versatility of…

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