Laughter and giggles

Laughter and giggles

A masterwork in itself Lynne superb work

Thank you Dennis - Happy New Year <br />

Lovely sensitive drawing.

I love this. Are you in the picture Lynne?

A superb piece of drawing Lynne - the composition is really well thought out. I look forward to seeing the painting now!

Thank you everyone - your comments mean a lot - especially as of late I&#39;ve had an &quot; art block&quot; . Lisa I&#39;m not in the picture - these 3 beautiful young ladies are my nieces

A beautiful drawing that stands on its own, Lynne. Superb tonal work!

A joyful well executed drawing. Well done.

Terrific drawing, Lynne! Why don&#39;t you trace it onto another piece of watercolour paper and paint it? That way , you can keep this lovely drawing AND have a painted version.

Jennifer - thank you - I plan to do a large version of this &amp; paint it in WC and part of the enjoyable process for me is the drawing - which I always do free hand - wish me luck - I&#39;ll need it !

Hang on Studio Wall

My pencil drawing of a subject which I'm trying to conjure up the courage to paint

About the Artist
lynne whitfield

I am a self taught artist who only took up painting after retiring from a busy nursing career. Since that time art and painting has become a passion for me. I enjoy all media but particularly love the magic of wet in wet watercolour techniques. I have recently started to explore the versatility of…

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