

Your colours, your style - excellent! Are you planning to do an abstract of this one? Yes?

A beautiful addition to your still life gallery, Louise. Well done, keep on going for it!

I agree - beautiful still life

Well. that 30 minutes is a bit arbitrary, and doesn't, in all honesty, mean much. Even so - I'm still intending to have a bash, when I get my arse in gear........ As it were.

Many thanks Satu, Mia, Glennis and Robert! Satu, that's the plan and in answer to Robert, we're waiting with interest. 30 minutes isn't long out of your day and who knows, you might surprise yourself, enjoy the process and find, as I did that painting such a quick sketch can give you the motivation to carry on with the same subject and produce another, better painting. You should get into gear and have a go :)

Lovely dark and luscious tones in this painting. It looks like a corner of a Victorian drawing room to me - very elegant. You are getting very good at these 30 min sketches and are getting a much more polished look now. I think doing them suits you and your enjoyment of doing them shines through. I think it is a super painting.

I agree with everyone, lovely watercolour Louise

Louise, this is much more than a sketch, I would be very happy to produce this as a painting after spending a good few hours on it. You've managed it in 30 minutes!! Love the richness of the colours too.

Beautiful colours, great sketch! Like Fiona says I would be more than happy this if I'd spent a week doing it!

I think you really meant 30 min a sitting and over several sittings:):):) if not I'm very jealous.

Many thanks Thea, Petra, Fiona, Carole and Val. These lovely comments are so encouraging and seem to drive me on! If it hadn't been for this site, the 30 minute idea and such comments, I probably would never have started this series of paintings. The beauty of doing such small sketches is that sometimes they can lead to bigger and better paintings! This particular one did take longer than 30 minutes, but not much longer :) It's quite small and photographed well :) It has given me an idea for another painting though which can only be a good result for me. Thank you all again and keep painting. I love seeing all your work here.

Beautifully done, Louise. I especially love the way you rendered the flowers - economical yet with just the right amount of detail.

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour 28 cm x 21 cm. I went over the 30 minute time limit that I set myself :)

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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