Northern Quarter M/C

Northern Quarter M/C

Gorgeous colours Louise, I love it!

Quite a colour Louise - creates such a vibrant scene

Has a cosmopolitan feel to it Louise and I love the colours!

Many thanks Satu, Michael and Fiona. I think that I quite enjoyed painting this one. At least I was happy that it didn't go drastically wrong and that my heavy paper survived the washes!!!

Love the colours of this one Louise, fantastic

Very vibrant painting and again full of life - lovely

Wow, Louise, those colours are jumping off the page! Love it!

Your best street scene yet, really like the dark bold sky, and the colors of the buildings.

Posted by K 0 on Thu 03 Jul 09:47:04

Thank you Petra, Joseph, Mia and Kevin!

Great, Louise. The combination of red, orange and pink is so exciting, and your rich darks are in all the right places.

Thank you Sharon, Gudrun and Christine!

Hang on Studio Wall

watercolour 31 cm x 37 cm. Previously using just the two colours, violet and yellow was quite a revelation for me. I realised that a city scene didn't have to be true to life. Also, I've just acquired a new tube of Opera Rose which I had to try out!

About the Artist
Louise Naimian

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