Patiently waiting

Patiently waiting

Your doggie paintings are delightful, Lisa.

You really capture the character of the animals Lisa with beauty

I'm not really a pet portrait person,but I do like yours.

Thanks Ann, Dennis and I appreciate your comment Gudrun especially being that pet portraits aren't your thing :-)

What wonderful paintings in your gallery Lisa, especially love the pets, they are great.

This is another real beauty as well Lisa really.

Hang on Studio Wall

A little Terrier I spotted, tied up by the cafe in Nonsuch Park, Ewell

About the Artist
Lisa Shearing

I am a self taught artist. I have always loved to draw and paint from very young. I have mainly used acrylics but love to try something new. I learn techniques from art books and magazines. I love exploring new places, am inspired by colour - I love Mediterranean scenes. However I have moreā€¦

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