Isle of Eriskay , Outer Hebrides

Isle of Eriskay , Outer Hebrides

Love the Hebrides and you have captured it in this super painting.

Thanks Willie glad you like it. I agree the Hebrides are a truly magical place and I am lucky enough to be able to visit them but not as often as I would wish.

This looks a lovely place, Lesley,super fresh colours

A lovely atmospheric piece that exudes a wonderful tranquility. Thank you, too, for your very kind comments on my work.

You transported me back there!

Posted by Sue Mann on Wed 19 Jul 14:58:53

Obviously someone who loves these magic islands, I'm glad you enjoyed my efforts thank you.

Thank you for your comment on Scurrival. I looked you up again and recognised your delicate watercolour of the East Beach in Berneray. I've found several subjects there. Then I found the one of Eriskay. We seem to choose the same places; just slightly different viewpoints. I have sketches of around Embleton too and paintings from the north end of that bay at newton-by-the-Sea. Isn't it great to be able to compare notes on this website?

Hang on Studio Wall

Oil on canvas painted from photographs taken on tour of Outer Hebrides, Eriskay lies between Barra and South Uist, life on the edge. The colours are truly this vivid but only when the sun shines

About the Artist
Lesley Peters

Living in the NE of Scotland I enjoy the great outdoors the hills and the sea whatever the season or weather. Have always enjoyed painting and sketching and since joining a local art class have experimented with mediums and techniques which were new to me. I get pleasure from my art work and am…

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