Frosty morning


Beautifully painted, I agree the breath coming from the stag is done very skill fully. H stance of the stag is excellent, you certainly have caught the cold feeling.

Very atmospheric- you can sense the coldness in the air.

Is excellent Julie, it looks freezing!

Absolutely superb. Love the way you have captured the proud and alert stance and the warm breath hitting the cold air.

Wonderful pastel - that breath just adds to the whole thing.

Great, Julie. Love your 'winter' palette.

Thanks all for your really v kind comments. We're currently experiencing exactly this type of frosty weather here :)

Good textures in the grass and love the breath!

A beautiful painting Julie.

Lovely pastel work of this stag and the breath and crunch of the snow! Delightful!

Hang on Studio Wall

30cm x 30cm pastel on card of a stag on a cold crisp frosty morning. I'm very pleased with the breath and the crunch frosty grass.

About the Artist
Julie Wilson

Self taught artist. Particular interest in landscapes around Co Down and animals.

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