Kirstie's Christmas monster challenge

Kirstie's Christmas monster challenge

Don't want it at our house. It's in the garage where I left it in the dark after I'd 'created' it. I'm bound to nightmare tonight.

Good grief, this one's positively gruesome!! Great stuff Michael !!

The truth is that I dozed off in the chair this afternoon and this image appeared in a dream. It said it had a third eye into the future and that the future looked bright for me. 'That's great news' I said, 'what's wrong with your eye's?’ I asked. 'I blew my nose too hard' it said and then it disappeared. I immediately did this pastel sketch when I awoke in a state of automatic surrealism. Looks like I've created another monster, so I've left it in the garage in the dark.

Halloween revisited. This is super scary...Stephen King eat your heart out, or perhaps this monster already has.

Oh my goodness Michael, I won't sleep tonight after seeing this:-) This would make a great horror story book cover!

Thanks Andre and Margaret. Well the challenge was for a monster.

She should use some Olbas oil for that sinus trouble! That is so scary Michael I looked last night but couldn't leave a comment as I couldn't look at her for that long I would have terrible dreams 🤣🤣 make my skeleton monster look so cute!

I get concerned about myself Carole. Why do I do this when everyone else does cutie monsters?

This really is a scary monster, Michael. Like Carole, I saw it last night but didn't want to post a comment, affraid of nightmares!!!!

I suppose monsters should frighten people Mia but I think I've gone too far with this one.

Glad I didn’t see it until this morning could read many things in to this, reminds me of one of my

Another class work Michael

You have a good imagination Michael which is why your paintings are so good!

Thanks for kind comments, Fiona, Louise and Dennis.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pastel. The bleeding three-eyed monster with Christmas colours.

About the Artist
Michael Mcmanus

I was born in 1946. In the 1960s and part of the 70s I was an airman in the Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm. I joined Durham Constabulary in 1971. In 1999 I retired from policing and began teaching sociology and criminology at Durham University with emphasis on policing and researching crime. I am drawn…

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