Crouching tiger

Crouching tiger

Fantastic painting, love the eyes.

A beautiful painting Kate,

Superb work Kate, very skillfully painted.

Btilliant work Kate, you have caught the eyes well.

Stunning..a beautiful creature sympathetically portrayed.

Wonderful painting very natural pose Kate.

Lovely painting, but where is the hidden dragon?

Glad to read you like my painting, thank you.

Hang on Studio Wall

- size 27x37cm - VanGogh watercolor on 300gsm HP watercolor paper

About the Artist
Kate Sliwka

Hello. I'm Kate Sliwka (eng. Plum) I studied graphic design and fine art, and have a diploma in both of them. Now, after a few good years of doing mostly digital work, I decided to come back to painting. I hope you won’t be disappointed. Welcome to my page!

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