Scottish Skies


Great aerial perspective!

Another smasher!


Another Beauty John.

Gorgeous! Fabulous recession and spot on colour management. Definitely the way to work this summer...too hot here except very early, and small supports, not 40x80!! Enjoy!

Thank you so much Anne, Heather, Emma, Chris and Thalia- your kind comments are, as always a boost and greatly appreciated 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

I’ve managed watercolour plein air painting so far this year but not oils……yet. I’m excited about going out for the first time, and seeing your painting makes me eager to do so! It’s fabulously fresh, airy and confident John.

Thank you Bill 🙏🏼 and thank you Fiona! Yes!!! Get yourself out there with your oils!!! I’m organising a plein air painting event at castle Fraser on July 7th if you’re around! N

If I were closer I certainly would be there John! I was at Culross today, wow, wish I had taken my paints! 🙁

Great sense of space and distance and such skilful use of the palette knife John.

Thanks Spencer and thank you Carole, your lovely comments are much appreciated 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Oh that would have been good Fiona! Never forget your paints! Well, in terms of plein air painting, I’m getting a group of Scottish plein air painters together so we may be at your neck of the woods! If you have Instagram, the account is called scotpleinair 😎😊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

This is lovely. You've captured the expansiveness of this landscape beautifully.

Hi John, I’m not on Instagram myself but my husband is and I’ve just checked your account. Sounds great! Hope you get down to the central belt at some point. I would love to know where you got your excellent trolly from? I cart all my stuff in a rucksack and as I’m getting on in years, it’s bloomin heavy to carry over fields etc now. I’ve been looking at trolleys but all I come up with is the shopping type or golf……yours looks designed and built for the job. Would be great fun for any info. 🙏

Thanks so much for your positivity Bobbie 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Hi Fiona! Yes it can be difficult to get your gear around especially if you’re taking extra gear in anticipation of bad weather! My wife bought me this one a few years ago, it’s made by a company called Guerrilla Painter. I got a collapsible festival trolley from Amazon, I’ve yet to try it but it looks brilliant!!

Thanks for the info John. I’ve seen the festival trolleys, they look okay, may have another look. Thanks again

Lovely one again John.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Another 80 x 40 cm plein air paintings… I’ve enjoyed using a palette knife and big impasto brush stroke. Painting outside means I have to work quickly and this makes a slight difference in style and technique- I like the outcome though and it’s probably how I’ll work during the summer…

About the Artist
John O’Neill

Born in Belfast in 1966 and a lifelong painter. A resident of Stavanger Norway between 2018 and 2021 with a UK base near Reading England and in Aberdeen, Scotland. Most recent work is Scottish landscape, urban scenes and contemporary Norwegian landscape, often working in oils or gouache, line &…

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