Lincoln Cathedral

Lincoln Cathedral

Absolutely brilliant, superb subject.

Fabulous skills being shown here Tim

Excellently painted with great detail.

I live there. Great work

A great painting Tim. I know the area well.

Absolutely gorgeous

Very impressive...

What a fabulous painting- great skill and vision Tim

This is brilliant - I love painting buildings so I know the pitfalls!

Hang on Studio Wall

Lincoln Cathedral is always symbolic of the county and its rich aviation heritage. I have lost count of how many times I have been asked to paint the cathedral with an aircraft overhead, so on this occasion (a studio painting/commission for the RAF Club, London) I wanted it to be different; an almost claustrophobic viewpoint from eye level by sketching near the castle gates. With the leaves, I decided to keep my initial raw under-painting showing to give the picture a lively graphic sense of urgency.

About the Artist
Tim O'Brien

I am a full-time artist, author and tutor. During my 39-year art career I have enjoyed working with a broad range of clients and subject matter (Landscapes, architecture, animals to transport - ships, cars and aerospace), having started out as a Commercial Artist in the world of advertising &…

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