A Snowy Evening


I love it Jenny. I like the whole design but the little detail in the tree trunks is so effective. I would love to have a try but just remember bleeding fingers as a child 😂

This is utterly charming. What skill you have with linocuts Jenny.

This is utterly charming Jenny. What immense skill you have with producing linocuts.

Very stylish, I can’t imagine how hard it must be to do. One day I will try!

Recognised instantly as yours Jenny, beautiful design

Very eye-catching. Excellent.

So good Jenny, one of your best I think

Thank you so much for the encouraging comments, they really are appreciated! I did much more preparation for this one, but still found I wasn’t happy with the final print and had to make quite a few adjustments - maybe will get it right first time with the next one, I know better now what works and what doesn’t, and only had one nicked finger this time!

I found this really interesting. It's a very good design. We'll done

Another winner Jenny.

Another super one Jenny.

Great design Jenny really like this

Many thanks, Sarah, George, Richard and Carole!

Jenny, it’s stunning! Fantastic design, love the colour and so clean and crisp.

Thanks, Fiona, thought I’d try blue for a change, seemed somehow to fit the snowy theme.

All the hard work in development has really paid off to produce a beautiful and well balanced composition

William, thanks very much for your encouraging comment, much appreciated!

There’s something about lino print that draws you in. It becomes a compulsive process that you cannot put aside and there’s always the worry that it might not turn out as planned and knowing that one cut too many cannot be reversed. I like the way that you have managed to keep it clean and sharp. It’s a really good design that you have finished with in spite of early worries Jenny.

Thanks, Frank, agree about it becoming a compulsive process. As much as I love painting and colour, I’m becoming a little addicted to linocutting, which can be extremely frustrating but also rewarding when you eventually get a print you’re happy with, and there’s something very appealing about monochrome, although planning a design with only one colour can be quite difficult. You’re right about one cut too many, but I’ve found that you can actually often rectify unwanted cuts with blu-tack, and adjustments can also be made after printing - I used to think this was cheating, but now just accept it as part of the process!

Jenny, blue tack for correcting errors is a new one to me, I’ll post it in the memory slot. Thanks. I do make adjustments after printing. I use cottonwool buds or - depending on what needs doing - also rubber (or silicon) tipped ‘brushes’ of which I have a set. Very useful. As you will know, errors are best corrected while the ink is still wet. Just finished a reduction print of Rutland Water and will post it this weekend. Thanks for the tip. Keep carving and printing.

Look forward to seeing it, Frank. I’m just starting a new one.

Hang on Studio Wall

Linocut. 15 x 20 cm. Finally finished this - lost count of the number of hours I spent fiddling with it, mainly cutting more away to simplify it - I love doing the straight monochrome linocut designs, but have learned the hard way that they are best if kept simple!

About the Artist
Jenny Harris

I paint mainly in watercolour, often including other media such as pen and ink, pastel or collage. My main interest is in colour and design and most of my work is quite stylised and often illustrative. I enjoy experimenting with acrylic inks, particularly using cling film to create texture, and…

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