Last Dip of the Day

Last Dip of the Day

A beautiful sunny painting and so well painted. I can feel the warmth of the sun just looking at it. Well done

Agree with Val - such a lovely painting. Love the background it is so affective.

Thankyou for your comments. It was the end of a really hot day when I saw this little girl sitting in the shallows.

What a wonderful painting. How I wish I could use watercolour in this nice, light way!

Beautiful watercolour, very lovely subject too.

Although this looks like watercolour, it was painted using inks and acrylics. Thankyou to everyone for your comments - much appreciated

I think your work is great but I have to say this one is my firm favorite. Really nice work.

Posted by John Cox on Mon 14 Jul 22:13:05

beautifully painted love subject matter and the light.

Only just found your gallery; all wonderful work. I love the light in this but I think "Jumping the waves" is my favourite.

Hang on Studio Wall

Painted in mixed media on canvas using acrylics and inks.

About the Artist
Jean Ross

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