

I think this looks great now that you have reworked the waterfall.

Carole: Thank you, I think I am happy with it now. James

Lovely forceful water - it reminds me of a place I visited on a holiday staying on Alston Moor - is it in that area?

Helen: Thank you, Its of no particular place, it is just a picture I dreamt up. James

Great feeling of movement in this James - well done; I hope you don't find this comment patronizing, but may I say you are unrecognizable now as the painter you were earlier last year; you really have grasped the shape of things, the forms and colour.

Very powerful work, well done.

Robert: No I don,t think you are being patronizing, I have learnt a lot from comments made by you and others and from this magazine,and always look forrward to receinving your comments. Thank youy. Lesley : Thank you for you comments Thank you ll for taking th time to make your comments they are very much appreciate. James

Hang on Studio Wall

!6 x 12 Acrylic Version 4 wernt over water again, using fan brush.

About the Artist
James A Deal

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