Work in Progress, cleaning up the fallen tree

Work in Progress, cleaning up the fallen tree

Good work Holger, think you have done enough, I don't think that it needs anything else.

Thank you John!

Posted by Holger . on Mon 13 Mar 20:26:10

Thank you David I ment!

Posted by Holger . on Mon 13 Mar 20:27:12
Hang on Studio Wall

The old plum tree did fall this winter, now it is processed to make up next years fire wood. The tree is work in progress for shure, the painting I do not know by now, I am not fully satisfied, but slightly scared to overdo it, which I might have done already. Watercolour 36X46

About the Artist
Holger .

I am a hobby painter. I try to capture my impressions of the landscape, the atmosphere and a little bit the inner of my self. Being an engineer in the automotive industry, I enjoy it very much to switch to something totally different. On my business travels to UK I detected leisure painter…

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