beautiful? Industrial Landscape 3

beautiful?  Industrial Landscape 3

Nice one Holger. Hope you and your family have a great New Year.

Thank you Micheal. I wish you a happy and creative new year too!

Posted by Holger . on Fri 30 Dec 22:18:12
Hang on Studio Wall

A little dark path squeezed beween two merging railway lines, on the right advertisement for the Army, on the opposite advertisement of the Heritage Trust, claiming how beautiful the country is, if we care for historic buildings. This is not fantasy. This scene is real. Luckily the bright autumn light in the trees turn it from totally weird to at least in aspects nice. Scene from Bochum, Watercolour A3.

About the Artist
Holger .

I am a hobby painter. I try to capture my impressions of the landscape, the atmosphere and a little bit the inner of my self. Being an engineer in the automotive industry, I enjoy it very much to switch to something totally different. On my business travels to UK I detected leisure painter…

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