Linear faces


This looks really effective against the black paper. Picassoesque.

That is quite unique! A great painting!!

Very clever!

Another fascinating image, I like it very much.

Love the flowing lines of this Spencer

Thank you so much Ellen, David, Heather and Lewis. Ellen - it does fit in with my other Picasswho paintings from earlier but hadn’t made the link. David - Thank you. Glad you liked it. Fun to do but very fiddly! Heather- Thanks for your comment. Lewis - Pleased you liked it Lewis.

Very good Spencer.

Very clever Spencer works so well.

Really like this -- excellent concept and execution!


Thank you so much for your lovely comments Denise, Chris, Martin and Eric.

Very good Spencer, very effective and interesting

Clever piece, yes very like Picasso.

Good one Spencer 😉

Really clever Spencer, very imaginative.

That works brilliantly Spencer! Really original. Well done.

What a clever, original work of art Spencer. Your art work is always so diverse and interesting.

Hang on Studio Wall

A bit like taking a line for a walk but fits nicely into my theme of faces following my mysterious ladies.

About the Artist
Spencer Lambeth-Angell

I only took up painting during the lockdown so a lot of my work is experimental trying to find out what techniques work well for me. Decades ago I trained as a Primary School teacher with art and design as one of my subjects but textiles was my main area of work. I enjoy painting and drawing but am…

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