

One happy horse.

One could say Henry this is unfinished. But i do not think that. Its actually what you might well see when a horse gallops past,

Less is more, Henry. Beautiful, love it!

I echo what Mia said- this is a wonderful example of when less is most definitely more. You have managed to capture the sense of movement, and it is extremely well observed. Brilliant!

Relaxing when you first start.... then elusive and then a trace of stress as it slips away.... perhaps just me? you made a nice job here......

Many thanks Sylvia, John, Mia, Joanne and Guy. Much appreciated. Guy, I always stop in the middle of a sketch and think " Oh, I shouldn't have started this", but I motor on anyway. The dilemma is trying to figure out what to sketch, what to leave out and what to suggest. I guess it's subjective.

Key elements make our eyes see the action. Great drawing.

Many thanks Derek and Gudrun. Much appreciated.

Creative and animated drawing technique Henry. Sketches like this make me look longer and deeper, you have a great style!

Many thanks Fiona. Much appreciated.

Superb work, Henry. Love the precision of the lines, and how you use them to suggest movement and life.

Many thanks Seok. Much appreciated.

Hang on Studio Wall

Pencil sketch

About the Artist
Henry Martin

Photographer and Film Maker. 29. Married with a 5 year old son. I paint on my IPad and Desktop . I have a great love for nature especially birds and flowers. Love seafood and good beer. Can't dance. Spiritual and a free spirit. Left Milan 7 years ago and haven't returned to Europe since. Maybe it's…

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