St. Mary's, Parnell

St. Mary's, Parnell

Well painted and the figures bring it to life nice work Guy.

Thanks Dennis, you're on to it!

Complicated building but you have achieved it wonderfully, great figures too Guy.

Thanks so much Carole, how kind you are..

Super painting Guy :)

Thank you Sylvia, very kind..

Wonderful painting and lovely palette, Guy.

I love this, Guy. You've made a difficult subject look easy with the watery washes, it's beautifully painted and the figures bring it to life.

Thank you so much Cesare,super comment..

Thank you so much Ellen, that's a very fine comment!

A superb painting Guy the subtleties and all round masterwork

Very nicely painted Guy.

Great work Guy. All those angles and perspective within the architecture have been observed so well. I love the windows too with the little highlights

Thank you so much Dennis... that masterwork word makes me feel great!

Thank you Margaret very kind...

Lovely comments Diana, you say such positive stuff... thank you..

Hang on Studio Wall

en plein air, watercolour

About the Artist
Guy Marrett

I have been painting for over 50yrs. I live in Auckland and paint a lot of this wonderful country. I have many many painters I admire and frequently get emotional looking at some of their painting... Rothko, John Singer Sargent, Willem de Kooning.... Renoir, my list is vast. I continue to…

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