Portrait - oil pastel

Portrait - oil pastel

Great portrait of a famous artist, Gudrun! The simplicity at its best.

Nice I love oil pastels they are great.. Nice use of the media

I sooooooolike this Gudrun..

Your lovely style Gudrun, this is great.

Thank you all for your appreciation of my effort that I managed to squeeze in between holiday stuff and nonsense! It's much appreciated.

Good portrait as ever, Gudrun.

Great painting...knew it was yours immediately!

Top notch Gudrun! Great work.....how are you finding the oil pastels?

Thank you Fiona. I just love the oil pastels. The results are a complete pain to store, but I am quite excited about what I can do with them. Unlike oil paints, and a bit like watercolour, if you get the mix wrong, or the textures in the wrong place, you are done for! That element makes it more exciting when it works, and it also means that you have to allow a bit of freedom in the resulting work.

I’m tempted myself to invest in a few good ones, to give them a try. Thanks for the info Gudrun.

Thank you Ellen. I can recommend trying out oil pastels, Fiona. I haven't got those Graf things you used a while ago .... When the time is right.

Hang on Studio Wall

30x40cm oil pastel on canvas paper. It is nice to just let an image/idea just take you somewhere. A much admired artist.

About the Artist
Gudrun Ståhl Sharpley

"The good painter has to paint two principal things, that is to say, man and the intention of his mind. The first is easy and the second difficult, because the latter has to be represented through gestures and movements of the limbs." (MK388) From: Leonardo da Vinci: The Graphic Work, p16, J…

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