Neolithic Orkney


Back to the Ring of Brodgar? Lovely place.

This is smashing, Gillian. A real feeling of distance and space and the soft colours - especially that lovely sky - give the whole thing a peaceful atmosphere.

Nicely done Gillian.

A lovely composition.

Yes Linda the Ring of Brodgar! Thanks everyone for your comments

This is full of stature, like the angle and how you've painted this

Excellent Gillian.

Great perspective Gillian and a look of peace and wildness.

There is something magical about this scene that relates us to the past but has the promise of a new day. Beautiful work Gillian.

Hang on Studio Wall

Acrylic on canvas board 16” x 20”

About the Artist
Gillian Cooke

Hi. I am Gill and returned to Orkney in 2020 after living in Spain for ten years. I started painting in 2010 as a serious hobby. Lost my mojo 2017 to health issues but now getting back into the swing! I have found myself gravitating to acrylics as love the vibrancy of colour but started with…

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More by Gillian Cooke