Kimono maker

DSCF4177 - Copy

Unusual one for you George. I like it and like the way you have run the colours together of the kimono.

I agree with Marjorie, good one.

Unusual for you George but nonetheless excellent.

I like this very much, the concentration, the nimble hands, and your use of colour. Excellent work George.

Like this George it a bit different to your usual work.

Nicely done George, excellent colours.

I really like this one.

Thank You all very much, it is a bit different for me. It is based on a photograph taken by my Edinburgh photographer friend John Forbes, with his permission. A couple more paintings to follow based on his work in India and Japan.

Thank You very much Linda.

Hang on Studio Wall
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Watercolour on W&N paper

About the Artist
George Cutter

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