Purple Rhododendron

Purple Rhododendron

Absolutely exquisite Carole. You must be really very pleased with this one its smashing.

This really is stunning, Carole. A great painting!

This really is a beauty Carole. I love the background and the greens and purples together.

This has got to be one of your best Carole, and that's saying a lot because everything you do is beautiful. There is such sensitivity in this, the stronger colours against the receding background and the beautiful pinks you 'be chosen. Absolutely fantastic!


Quite stunning, Carole!!!!

Simple beautiful Carole! I do love a Rhododendron, beautifully painted!

Smashing work carole.

Thanks so much everyone very kind. Just waiting for the flowers to come out this year, many buds;). Did this painting couple of years ago.

This is wonderful Carole,


That is so lovely, Carole just looking at some today and wondering how I could do them justice, but you have

The most beautiful rhododendron I've ever seen on paper Carole!!!

Another one of your little beauties Carole.

I very much appreciate your kind feedback thank you.

I read the article about your paintings Carole. I didnt realise how much work goes into the finished product. I appreciate your flowers even more now. Best Regards. Peter.

I think this is excellent, Carole

It's a cracker Carole.

You are all so kind many thanks. Thanks Pete for reading my little piece.

Exquisite! Where do I find your piece Carole? Would like to read:)

Thanks Sylvia it is on the e newsletter email that Dawn sends you. It's just a bit about how I did an amaryllis:)

Ps, some other interesting artists give great information on their work.

Absolutely wonderful Carole, I love this. Congratulations on being chosen to feature in the on-line newsletter from POL, great stuff.

Truly stunning, Carole! Beautiful textures, layers and hues.

Thanks Margaret and Seok, I appreciate your comments very much.

Amazing work Carole, it looks alive. Wonderful colours, textures and depth.

Thanks Cesare, very kind of you to say.

You are definitely the queen of the leaves Carole...

Super duper Carole, l think it's lovely.

Thanks for the info Carole...have missed getting these...

Everybody has said it already Carole. You really are the queen of botanicals :)

Thank you very much you are much too kind.

A wonderful looseness makes this stunning in my eyes.

Hang on Studio Wall
1 like

Watercolour, I did this a while ago.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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