Gingko Leaf

Gingko Leaf

Love the simplicity of this Carole - what a great little study

Very delicate and lovely soft colouring too. :)

it was the minimalist look that caught my eye, Carole.I like it

Thanks Michael, Sarah and Jenny. Glad you like my little leaf ;)

Wonderful shape and you've done it justice. Know what you mean about leaves at the moment..I collected a bunch of yellow, red, green, orange....... sycomore/maple leaves in the park-every leaf is alive with colour!

Thanks Avril. I got a few odd stares as I picked up these leaves, people wondering what I was doing! The veins are on the leaf are so different from the usual patterns on other leaves.

You've managed to capture so many different tones and colours in this humble little leaf Carole. Beautifull work.

Simple and beautiful Carole. I think one of it's common names is 'maiden hair' tree, there use to be one growing in one of the carparks in the middle of Spalding, a huge one, I always wondered who and why it was planted certainly was there before the concept of carparks!

Wonderful attention to detail and a delicate interpretation of the lovely leaf. Love your colour choice as well.

Lovely detail Carole, simplicity at its best.

Sorry Carole, nearly missed this one, it's all been said already really so I'll just add - simply super!

Thanks Val, Fiona, Thea, Glennis and Debs, I really appreciate your feedback.

Simple, yet so, so very elegant. This is just such a beautiful piece, Carole!

Hang on Studio Wall

Watercolour & watercolour pencil used dry Some beautiful coloured leaves around at the moment. Found this whilst out shopping in Nottingham! Gingko must be the oldest tree on earth as fossils found in rocks approx 170 million yrs old. The leaves have a wonderful shape.

About the Artist
Carole Swingler

Self- taught artist, I have dabbled in watercolours for many years on and off. My first love is flower painting in watercolour. Now trying many different media including acrylic inks, gouache, all types of pencils to try loose-ish semi abstract images.

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